~ 12.3.2020
When the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced in March 2020, life changed dramatically for many families. Faced with stay-at-home orders and the fear of infecting loved ones, there was limited contact between Desiree Irvin and her mother, Kathy Fink. For Desiree, keeping her mother safe became a priority.
Photographs by Liz Irvin
Desiree Irvin passes by empty shelves at Weis Markets in Red Lion, Pa., in April 2020. Irvin was shopping for her elderly mother, Kathy Fink who is staying at home to stay safe.
Desiree Irvin watches round the clock coverage of the global pandemic in her home in York. She keeps the TV on for the latest updates with the coronavirus outbreak to ensure not only her safety but also the safety of her family.
Irvin carries groceries to her elderly mother, Kathy Fink. Fink is self-isolating during the coronavirus outbreak to keep herself and her family safe.

Irvin washes her hands, one of several common-sense recommendations from the CDC for reducing the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
~ 12.3.2020